About me
I am Cerruti Nsoni, born March 25, 1985 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I have been living in Switzerland since 2012, I am also an author, composer and performer under the stage name of Garcia85

I come from a very modest family, my grandmother had to sell peanuts to support me and finance my schooling. Schooling and education and enjoying a fundamental importance in the life of a child, I decided in 2019 to set up a structure with a humanitarian vocation which I called “Nsoni Foundation” to support the women and children.

I am very happy and proud of the projects that we have put in place in a short time thanks to the will, the determination and the humanitarian passion that drives us. Above all, I am convinced that all the projects would not have seen the light of day without the donations, generosity and support of my relatives, my friends and all those passionate about humanitarian action who believed in me. To all of you, I say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart…