Seamstress training

In this project, young women are trained to be seamstresses. These young women are all orphans and have to fight to survive every day. You work in a separate, fully furnished room. Sewing machines, tables, chairs and all sewing utensils are available there. The women receive professional instruction 2 days a week and are in training for about 1 year. They are then supported in their search for a suitable job. The seamstress training gives them the opportunity to earn their own living and to feed their children and other family members. The project gives them a chance for a better future. So that they can design something useful in class, they will sew various bags from African fabrics during the training. These bags are then imported into Switzerland and sold here. Of course, the proceeds go back to the seamstress project.
Hallo ich bin Musa Abakar
Ich komme aus dem Sudan
Und ich wohne in Aarau